Entrevista Exclusiva a EMILIE AUTUMN - Fight like a Girl Tour 2012
Realizada por Marcela Kruger "McKland" - Volver a la Magia Radio-Show, Buenos Aires, Argentina (7 de Septiembre de 2012)
Exclusive Interview to EMILY AUTUMN - Fight like a Girl Tour 2012
By Marcela Kruger "McKland" - Volver a la Magia Radio-Show, Buenos Aires, Argentina (September 7, 2012)
(Only in English HERE)

1)This is your second visit to Argentina. Could you tell us your impressions of your first show in Buenos Aires?
Esta es tu segunda visita a Argentina. Podrias decirnos tus impresiones personales de tu primer show en Buenos Aires?

EA: When I last arrived in Buenos Aires, from the moment I stepped of the airplane, I was met by a large crowd of very passionate and beautiful Plague Rats. What really impressed me is how very much the same Plague Rats are all over the world, and yet how unique.
EA: La vez pasada que llegue a Buenos Aires, cuando Sali del avion, fue recibida por una gran multitud de apasionadas y hermosas Plague Rats. Lo que realmente me impresiono es cuantas Plague Rats similares hay alrededor del mundo y cuan unicas son.

2)What artists have influenced you throughout your life and your career?
Que artistas te han influenciado a lo largo de tu vida y de tu carrera musical?

EA: When I began playing music, and was exclusively focused on the violin, my heroes were, naturally, other violinists, greats like Itzhak Perlman and Nigel Kennedy. Then, as I became interested in different genres of music, Jimi Hendrix was a very big inspiration, then the jazz greats like Miles Davis, and then, as I became a singer and songwriter, artists like Queen, Morrissey, and David Bowie. And yet, the truth is that my love of Broadway musicals and theatre in general has had a lot more to do with who I am today and how I sing and perform than any of these. As a writer, Oscar Wilde has been incredibly influential.
EA: Cuando comence a tocar musica fue exclusivamente focalizado en el violin, y mis heroes, naturalmente eran otros violinistas grandes, como Itzhak Perlman y Nigel Kennedy. Luego, me empece a interesar por los grandes del jazz como Miles Davis, y despues, como comence a ser cantante y compositora, artistas como Queen, Morrisey y David Bowie. Y con todo, verdaderamente, mi amor por los musicales de Brodway y el teatro en general, han hecho mucho por lo que soy hoy, en como canto y actuo. Como escritora, Oscar Wilde ha sido una increible influencia.

3)Fight like a girl is a very suggestive title. What has been the central concept and your inspiration for the songs included in the album?
Fight like a girl es un titulo muy sugerente. Cual ha sido el concepto central e inspiracion para las canciones que integran el disco?

EA: The title comes from the classic phrase that so many of us are either told or hear during our childhood. For a boy, to be told that you “fight like a girl,” is a serious insult and indicates that you are weak and cowardly. This is a phrase that is used to insult boys and ridicule girls, and often at a very formative time in their lives,and my job is to take ownership of those words and turn them into something positive by proving, as so many other have done, that there is absolutely nothing weak or cowardly that is inherent to females, and that I refuse to be hurt anymore by society’s insistence upon gender inequality, even now in the year 2012. The entire album though is about the story of the Asylum, and telling this story through music in order to take the listener on a complete and very intense journey.
EA: El titulo proviene de la clasica frase que muchos de nosotros dijimos o escuchamos durante nuestra infancia. Para un chico, que le digan “peleas como una chica” es un insulto serio, e indica que eres debil y cobarde. Es una frase usada para insultar a los chicos y chicas ridiculas, y generalmente durante la epoca de formacion en sus vidas y mi trabajo es sacarle la propiedad negativa a esas palabras y convertirlas en algo positivo, probando, como muchos otros lo han hecho, que no hay absulutamente nada debil o cobarde en el genero femenino y que rechazo ser lastimada por la insistencia de la sociedad bajo la desigualdad de genero, inclusive ahora en el año 2012. El pensamiento del album por completo es sobre la historia del Asylum y contar esta historia a traves de la musica en orden, para llevar al oyente a una completa y muy intensa travesia.

4)Do you feel as a woman fighting is harder? Or how do you feel it?
Sientes que luchar como mujer es mas dificil? O como lo sientes tu?

EA: I’ve always said that, while women feel unsafe, there is no equality in the world. And of course fighting as a woman is more difficult, but, then again, we are used to it. We’ve been fighting oppression for thousands of years, and have become pretty damn good at it.
EA: Siempre he dicho que mientras que las mujeres se sientan inseguras, no hay igualdad en el mundo. Y por supuesto, pelear como una mujer es mas dificil, pero, una vez mas estamos acostumbradas a esto. Hemos estado luchando contra la opresion durante cientos de años y nos hemos vuelto en muy idoneas y buenas en esto.

5)Having appreciated your show on the 2010 tour, your presence and performance is wonderful, as well as the Bloody Crumpets and the connection between you and them. You manage to convey something magical, as an extract of the splendor of a show at the Moulin Rouge and the most refined of burlesque. In that inspires you to design and build every show?
Al haber apreciado tu show en el tour 2010, tu presencia y performance es maravillosa, asi como las Bloody Crumpets y la conexion entre vos y ellas. Logran transmitir algo magico, como un extracto del esplendor de un show del Moulin Rouge y lo mas refinado del burlesque. En que te inspiras para elaborar y armar cada show?

EA: Absolutely it is inspiring, and thank you for your very kind words. I want to give magic to my audience. I want to show them how beautiful the bond between women and friends in general can be. I want to show them how much beauty there is in strength. Because this is what my audience shows me as well.
EA: Esto es absolutamente inspirador, y gracias por tus amables palabras. Quiero ofrecerle magia a mi audiencia. Quiero mostrales que hermosa puede ser la relacion entre las mujeres y amigos en general. Porque esto es tambien lo que mi audiencia me demuestra.

6)After Opheliac (2008) you are presenting the FLAG tour, what are the similarities and differences that we find in this show?
Despues de Opheliac (2008) estas presentando el FLAG tour, cuales seran las coincidencias y diferencias que encontraremos al disfrutar del show?

EA: I think the primary difference is that the F.L.A.G. tour is much more about telling a complete story, and the Broadway musical element is really amplified.
EA: Creo que la diferencia primordial es que FLAG Tour esta basada mucho mas sobre contar una historia completa, y estan realmente amplificados los elementos del musical de Brodway.

7)Knowing and following your career, after listen to FLAG, I've noticed those songs, perhaps, more intimate and melancholic, and another with strong character. How do you feel the album?
Conociendo y siguiendo tu carrera musical, despues de escuchar FLAG note canciones tal vez mas intimistas y melancolicas, ademas de otras de caracter fuerte. Como lo sientes tu?

EA: I think you are very much correct, and I think that the reason for this is that I’m not simply singing about myself, my fears, anger, passions, but now it’s about telling a real story, presenting real theatre. I absolutely love and am very much relieved by the fact that my music and the show is now about something so much bigger than myself.
EA: Pienso que estas muy en lo cierto y creo que la razon de eso es que no canto simplemente sobre mi misma, mis miedos, enojos, pasiones, ahora es narrar una historia real, presentando teatro real. Me encanta y estoy mucho mas aliviada por el hecho de que mi musica y el show es ahora sobre algo mucho mas grande que yo misma.

8)In my point of view, after listening carefully to each song, my impression, is a dramatic operetta or musical comedy, with Victorian features (harpsichord) steampunk and darkwave, besides to a emotionally charged women, more strongly than your previous work. Could we say that is the most powerful produced and mature album, in your career?
En mi punto de vista, al escuchar atentamente cada cancion, mi impresion es una opereta o comedia musical dramatica, con elementos victorianos (clavicordio) steampunk y oscuros, ademas de una carga emocional con mayor fuerza femenina que en tus trabajos anteriores. Podriamos afirmar que es el album mas poderoso, elaborado  y maduro de tu carrera?

EA: Yes, I do believe that it is, and, as I said previously, I think this is primarily because I’ve grown beyond the need to only sing or write about myself, but can now take on other characters and present them in a way that is still true to myself.
EA: Si, yo creo que es asi, y como dije anteriormente, pienso que es primordial porque creci con la necesidad de solo cantar o escribir sobre mi misma, pero ahora puedo tomar otros personajes y presentarlos en un sentido que aun es verdad sobre mi misma.

9)Personally, one of the songs that I feel more intimate, deep, melancholic and emotionally instense is Gaslight. Could we consider this as a continuity form with Art of Suicide?
Personalmente, una de las canciones que siento mas intimistas, profundas, melancolicas e instensas emocionalmente es Gaslight. Podriamos considerar una forma de continuidad con Art of Suicide?

EA: Absolutely, and I’m so glad you noticed that! I do consider “Gaslight” the “Art Of Suicide” of this new album. They are both very sad and beautiful, yet something you could almost waltz to, and they are lyrically about telling the truth and deeply realizing how dark and hopeless things sometimes seem. By the end of the album we find the light, but only because we went through the dark first.
EA: Absolutamente y me alegra que lo hayas notado! Realmente considero “Gaslight” el “The Art of Suicide” de este nuevo album. Ambas canciones son trsites y hermosas, que podrian ser consideradas un vals, y sus letras narran la verdad y profundamente vislumbran que oscuras y esperanzadas pueden parecer las cosas algunas veces. Sobre el final del album encontramos la luz, pero solo porque atravesamos la oscuridad primero.

10)What do you feel before, during and after every show?
Que sientes antes, durante y despues de cada show?

EA: Before each performance, I get very quiet and introverted, and want only to connect with my girls, the Crumpets. If we don’t have that private, quiet moment to connect and hold hands, I don’t feel safe going out onto the stage. During the performance, I am really just caught up in the act of conveying these lyrics and telling this epic story, and connecting to the audience in a deeply personal way. And after the show, there is always a sense of immense gratitude for the audience and the country we are in, and I also feel incredible pride in my girls.
EA: Antes de cada presentacion, me quedo muy tranquila e introvertida, y solo quiero conectar con mis chicas, las Crumpets. Si no tenemos ese momento privado y tranquilo para concetarnos y tomarnos de las manos, no me siento seguro de ir al escenario. Durante la actuacion, estoy realmente atrapada en el acto de transmitir estas letras y contar esta historia épica, y conectarme con la audiencia en un profundo camino personal. Y despues del show, hay siempre una sensacion de gratitud por la audiencia y el pais donde estamos, y ademas siento un orgullo increible por mis chicas.

11) Death and death fight, is present in several songs on the album. Are you afraid of death?
La muerte y luchar contra ella esta presente en varias canciones del album. Le temes a la muerte?

EA: I am only afraid of dying before I can share all that is inside me, and see a change in the world. I’m not afraid, but I don’t want to leave yet because there are still more songs to sing.
EA: Solo temo morir antes de poder compartir todo lo que hay dentro mio y ver un cambio en el mundo. No tengo miedo, pero no quiero irme todavia porque aun hay muchas canciones por cantar.

12) Can you say your message to our Volver a la Magia Radio-Show's fans and to the Plague Rats in Argentina?

Puedes decirnos un mensaje para nuestros seguidores de Volver a la Magia Radio-Show y a las Plague Rats de Argentina?

EA: I Must simply say thank you so very much for inviting us back to your beautiful home! You have shown me that we all have our own Asylums, and that, together, we will always have a safe place, a sanctuary. Now, raise your claws and get ready to fight!
EA: Simplemente debo decir gracias a ustedes por invitarnos nuevamente a su hermoso hogar! Me han demostrado que todas nosotras tenemos nuestros propios Asylums, y que juntos, siempre tendremos un refugio seguro, un santuario. Ahora, eleven sus garras y esten listos para pelear!

Thank you very much, Emilie for your kindly answer us. Many questions remain and much to express, as well, as your records and your shows, are fascinating and hypnotic, with a beautiful madness.
We'll be there on September 15, 2012 to enjoy all your magic.
Muchas gracias, Emilie por tu amabilidad de respondernos, quedan muchas preguntas y mucho por expresarte, ya que tanto tus discos como tus shows son fascinantes e hipnoticos.
Ahi estaremos el 15 de Septiembre, 2012 para embelezarnos con toda tu magia.

EA: I am so grateful for your time and your wonderful questions, it was a joy chatting and having tea with you. See you soon!
EA: Te estoy muy agradecida por tu tiempo y tus maravillosas preguntas, disfrute charlar y tomar el te contigo. Te veo pronto!




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